agro tourism in Kenya

Agro tourism in Kenya.
Agro tourism is the type of tourism where visitors engage in agricultural activities. This may happen in farms, ranches and food plantations. Agro tourism safaris in Kenya have not been common. Lately, we have agritourists who are now traveling with a passion for agritourism. These safaris  impact the lives of the local communities.  This is a great combination considering Kenya wildlife safaris are known world over. Clients get to enjoy big five safaris game drives and ecotourism. These farms incorporate a lot of interaction between the hosts and the visitors. These safaris have less impact on environment . They promote sustainability, conserve the environment and improve local livelihoods. It is a great way to enjoy the Kenyan farmlands while on a Kenya safari.

How do guests enjoy agro tourism safaris?
Agritourists get an opportunity to experience different farm setups. They engage in farming activities, view production and even product packaging. This is available in both animal and plant products. Farmers are slowly realizing the benefits of such tourism.  Agriculture is a major export earner in Kenya, with tourism coming in second. Agro tourism is so rewarding . An agro tourist will enjoy the farm environment and  buy or carry the produce back home where available. For peasant and small scale farms it is a way of adding an extra coin to their pockets. It also promotes  local infrastructure.  Agritourism in Kenya is  also opening doors to investors.

Is Agro tourism available in Kenya?
Yes, we have several sites that offer this kind of tourism. Several farms have incorporated activities that go hand in hand with the farm activities. Ranches are also in their numbers. It is always good to check what’s available and the local time visits for proper planning. There are also agricultural Demo farms where people with agricultural interests visit for learning. We also have the agricultural show exhibitions where farmers exhibit their prowess in farming activities, enterprises and their farm innovations.

What are the examples of Agro tourism tours in Kenya?
A good example is the Ololo farm at the edge of Nairobi National park. This is the only park within a city in the world.  The old Kenyan homestead was slowly changed in to a luxurious and sustainable lodge. It has incorporated farm to plates initiatives for clients who stay with them. They also get to enjoy farm activities that include egg picking and animal feeding. Their dairy farm is the source of fresh milk, ice-cream and fresh yoghurts. Nothing beats getting food from an organic fam and on to the pan. This is in addition to morning and evening safari game drives at the Nairobi national park.

Kiambethu Tea farm .
Located a short drive from Nairobi, Kiambethu tea farm offers opportunities for its guests to indulge in tea farming activities. Tea is the main export earner in Kenya by agricultural products. Tea farm tours in Kenya are prominent in the central highlands where the farms are.  Kiambethu is no exception. You can choose to join the farmhand and experience tea picking. This can also include tea selecting. The farm tour culminates in to a beautiful lunch set op the green farm lawns. Enjoy the sweeping views of the hills by the lawn or take a path to the indigenous forest for the colobus monkeys.

Browns Cheese farm.
have you ever imagined enjoying a chees platter right at the source? This farm is famed for its production of different flavored cheese, just at the outskirts of Nairobi. The visit will include a tour of the factory. Production is traditional with no additives and colorings. Chees is a food enjoyed by many but very few can produce the perfect cheese.  Children may even enjoy milking a cow at the farm. This culminates with a three course meal with all ingredients coming from the organic farm within the farm.

Eco farm and orchard Visits.
Depending on the season, you get to enjoy fruits fresh from the tree. Tropical fruits from this region are quite tasty and juicy due to the favorable weather. From mangoes, passion fruits, melons, Pawpaw and oranges, the orchards boast of farm fresh fruits. Enjoy fruit salads and other activities including horse riding, naturals and visiting the waterfalls. The fruits available depends on times and seasons. In the vicinity, you can also enjoy water rafting and a walking a nearby forest where you can enjoy birdwatching activities.

Purple tea farm tours.
Purple tea promotes heart healthy in addition to being a great antioxidant, antiviral, antiaging and anti-inflammatory. Tucked away in the slopes of the Aberdares are purple tea farms that have flourished for some time.  The tours include picking the purple leaves, drying, brewing, tasting and even packing to take home. You can also enjoy a nature walk at the farm that ends with a dive at the waterfalls. Lunch is also served at the farm.

Coffee farms
Kenya produces among the best tasting coffee in the globe. It would definitely be a great experience enjoying a cup right from the source. Coffee enjoys good weather in the central Kenya highlands and its among one of the foreign exchange earners in Kenya. Fairview coffee estate is a few minutes from the city center but about 1750 meters above sea level. Here visitors enjoy the farm tour and still get enjoy a freshly brewed cup by the farm barista. You can also carry for those you left back home from the farm shop.

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