Book a kenya safari

Frequently asked questions |Plan a Kenya safari 2

Several questions come to mind when planning a Kenya safari. The questions help you a lot when you want a seamless Kenya safari, safari in Serengeti or a beach vacation in Zanzibar as seamless as possible. East Africa has several wildlife destinations that can give you an authentic out of Africa experience. It also stops with the planning with your local tour operator.

Why should I visit Kenya over other East Africa destinations?
Kenya is the origin of safari with game drives in the various wildlife destinations exciting and thrilling. It has a good number of parks and reserves which when combined form a great safari circuits. Rates for both park entrance fees and accommodation are cheaper compared to other neighboring destinations. However if budget and time allow it’s great to combine a Kenya Tanzania safari or Kenya and gorilla trekking in Rwanda. You can also combine a Kenya and Zanzibar beach vacation or honeymoon holiday.

What is the best time to plan for a safari?
East Africa as a whole enjoys good climatic condition as the area lies within the equator. Low season is primarily between April and June in Kenya. The peak month are between July and September when we have the wildebeest’s migration season. Calving season in Ndutu region in Tanzania is in the months of February.  However the long rains happen in April throughout the region. It may be hard to drive through the muddy retrain but if you have an adventurous spirit, why not? Migration follows the short rains and fresh grass timing can therefore change.

Can I travel with my children?
Safari memories will be engraved in your children’s mind for the rest of their lives. A safari in Africa is the best way to spend time with family away from home. Perhaps one of the best times that you can discover your children personalities, behaviors and interests. Planning a safari with children is easy when you use a season tour operator like us. We engage family friendly lodges and camps for your stay. Our itineraries take you to conservancies and parks that have a variety of activities to keep all family members busy.

How big should our group be?
Smaller group safaris means personalized service and attention to details. We encourage you to join your family or group and travel together. That way it is easier to take care of each other’s interests. It is also easy to mingle and enjoy each other’s company.  The maximum on most safari vans and jeeps is 7 passengers guaranteeing each person a window seat for photography purposes. If your group is bigger than this, we shall facilitate the same by giving more vehicles.

Should we carry suitcases or duffle bags?
We always advise duffle bags as this are easy to carry both in the safari jeeps and when you need local flight transfers. The limit for the flight luggage is strictly 15kgs per person. Extras are highly charged, avoid them when you can. If you must carry suitcases, carry small ones which have a soft material to avoid breakages. We always want you to enjoy your Luxury Kenya flying safari in peace.

What vaccinations should I take before going on safari?
Health is personal and different from one person to another. It is therefore advisable to talk to your personal physician while you are planning. The vaccination that is a must have is the yellow fever Vaccine in Tanzania. However if you are coming via a direct flight without stopping at the countries that are prone, then you do not need it. You only need the vaccination done once and it’s valid for life.

Am I prone to malaria while on safari?
Most countries in Africa have also been indicated to be malaria prone. However most of the lodges and camps are located in areas where mosquitoes are not prevalent. The camps also have nets for your protection and a turn down is always done before you go to bed. Rest assured you will have a peaceful night listening to the sights and sound of Africa. It is also advisable to carry your own insect repellent for you in the room and while out on game drives.

Does my budget determine my level of comfort?
This is not necessarily the truth but it applies in most cases. While some client would want to travel on a budget, other are on mid range. We also have some who do not mind blowing up money for the perfect Kenya family vacations or a beach retreat in Zanzibar. However the costs of s safari depend on what you want included. It also depends on when you want to travel and how many you will be. The secret is to travel during the green season. Between the months of April to June. You will enjoy luxury travel on a low budget. Talk to us.

What extras should I carry when on safari?
Many safari travelers have a very vague idea of Africa. In fact most will think that we do not have the necessary amenities. However, it’s good to note that most of these are available to make you stay as perfect as possible. These are some items that will be helpful while on a Kenya and Tanzania wildlife safari. A traveler charger, a small flashlight and batteries, sunglasses, sun hat and sunscreen. You also need some insect repellent, adapters and converts. Pack light and earth colored clothes.

What clothes do you recommend?
We all want the safari feel when we are out in the Savannah wilderness. You can easily blend with the environment and avoid distracting the wildlife and throwing nature off balance.
Earth colored clothes are highly recommended. These colors include beige, grey, brown and green.
Light materials are recommended for easy laundry and drying in the safari facilities. Hiking boots or  soft sport shoes are recommended though you will spend most of the time in the vehicles. This will be helpful in case you are walking and hiking.

We work towards creating memorable travel experiences for our guests. You will enjoy authentic travel experiences with emphasis to sustainability, giving back and making it green. Contact us and let’s enjoy the east Africa biodiversity together.

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