safari gear

Kenya Safari packing list, what to wear and must have.

When safari time comes you really want to be prepared. You must have your Kenya safari packing list prepared.  Have everything in place so that your safari is as comfortable as possible.
Packing for a safari is an exciting affair. It’s even better when you think of a Kenya safari or Masai Mara wildebeest migration somewhere in the expansive Savannah plains.
It’s important to know what to pack, what to wear and what extras to take with you. You are limited by space especially if you are taking domestic or internal flights within the wildlife destinations. It’s therefore good to re check and pack what you really need. While on safari, you need to blend in with the environment as much as possible. Sighting wildlife is our main agenda on safari and we do not want to be a distraction.

Packing can be affected by the season at which you have planned you safari. The wet months in East Africa are March –May then November to December when we have the short rains.
The dry months and perfect travel season is between June to October. January to February are the hot months in Tanzania.  This is when we have the  Tanzania wildebeest calving season
You need light clothes in the dry months and some slightly heavier ones during the wet months. It doesn’t snow in East Africa and therefore when we mention cold, it’s nothing compared to the winter season back home. It is good to contact your travel planer just before you leave home for that last piece of advice. Climate change has really had an effect on our environment and weather patterns. East Africa is a good weathered travel destination.

We recommend that you pack a lot of earth colored clothing. This include the beige, khaki, browns and greens. Anything that will blend in well with the environment.  Avoid the military print fabrics as this are used by military personnel here. Light weight breathable materials is advised. Long sleeved and colored shirts are great to prevent you neck and arms from the sun and insect bites.  Bright colors will be  great for meals and wearing within the lodge premises. During game drives, you will easily distract wildlife. You can also easily notice dust or mad depending on the season. Find some detachable trouser that can be used as shorts during the day. This also applies for jumpers which you can detach during the hot sun. Game drives are mostly in the early morning sand evenings when the sun is cooler. It can get really chilly and you need to cover your arms and legs.

Carry a good pair of walking trainers. You will spend most of you time in the vehicle but once in a while you can get off the car at picnic sites or on a nature walk. Nice gripped hiking boots are good if you are trekking longs walks or mountains. However this shouldn’t be very heavy especially for hikers since they will drag you behind because of weight. Pack Sandals for the lovely afternoon and when going for a swim. Don’t forget a swimsuit, most lodges have lovely pools. Some polarized sunglasses are good to protect you eyes from the strong rays.  An enlarged hat and sunscreen will protect your head and neck from sunburn. During the evening drives, apply some repellent as you leave your rooms. This will keep off some insects and bugs which can really get nagging.  The light long-sleeved shirts and long trousers will keep off the mosquitoes.

The first time I went out for an outbound safari, my luggage got misplaced and was left by the connecting flight. You do not want to arrive in Nairobi and survive on a single shirt and trousers for days. Pack at least a day’s change of cloth and essentials in your carry on day pack.  Other essentials include cameras, memory cards, charger, small flashlight and binoculars if you can. Please avoid packing in plastic bags as this have been banned in Kenya. this include the duty free bags. Carry your medication and any other medical information that may be necessary. This should always be within reach. Contact us and lets plan your next East Africa combined safari. We work with other professional partners to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

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